I have written a small script to do some clean up on servers. You can choose how many days of logfiles to keep, which file types to delete and on which paths the script should operate.


.\LogCleanupScript.ps1 -Age 14 -FileTypes "*.tmp","*.txt" -Directories "C:\Windows\Temp","C:\Temp" -EnableLogging -Verbose


This Script is deleting files from specific directories.
This Script is deleting files from specific directories.
You can specify the age of the files to be deleted and choose file types and directories.
Specifies the age the file must have to be deleted.
Specifies the file types to be deleted. Examples: *.* or *.log.
.PARAMETER Directories
Specifies the diectories in which files should be deleted.

If this switch is set, the script runs only in report mode, not deleting any files. Use with -Verbose to get some output.
.PARAMETER EnableLogging
If this switch is set, A transcript of script execution will be created. Use with -Verbose to get some output.

    C:\PS> .\LogCleanupScript.ps1 -Age 14 -FileTypes "*.tmp","*.txt" -Directories "C:\Windows\Temp","C:\Temp"
C:\PS> .\LogCleanupScript.ps1 -Age 14 -FileTypes "*.tmp","*.txt" -Directories "C:\Windows\Temp","C:\Temp" -ReportMode -Verbose

C:\PS> .\LogCleanupScript.ps1 -Age 14 -FileTypes "*.tmp","*.txt" -Directories "C:\Windows\Temp","C:\Temp" -EnableLogging -Verbose


Author: Philippe Tschumi - https://techblog.ptschumi.ch
Last Edit: 2020-10-18
Version 2.0 - Rewritten



            if(-not ($_ -gt 0)) {
                throw "Negative values not allowed. Choose a number larger than 0."
            return $_
            $_ | Foreach-Object {
                if(-not ($_ -match '^\*\.(\*|[a-z]+)$')) {
                    throw "File Type '$_' is not specified corectly. Examples: *.* or *.log"
                return $_
            $_ | Foreach-Object {
                if (-not (Test-Path $_)) {
                    throw "Path '$_' does not exist!"
                return $_

if($EnableLogging) {
    Start-Transcript -Path "$($env:TEMP)\LogCleanupScript.log" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-Verbose "Logging enabled."

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
$LastWriteTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$Age)
Write-Verbose "Deleting files older than $($Age) in $($Directories.Count) directories ($($Directories -join ",")). File types to remove: $($FileTypes -join ",")"
if($ReportMode) {
    Write-Warning "Running in Report only Mode. Not deleting any files."

$Files = @()

$Directories | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Verbose "Processing directory $($_)..."
    $Count = $Files.Count
    $Files += Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse -Include $FileTypes -File | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le $LastWriteTime}
    Write-Verbose "Found $($Files.Count - $Count) files."


Write-Verbose "Found $($Files.Count) files in Total."

$FilesProcessed = 0
$SuccessItems = 0
$FailedItems = 0

$Files | ForEach-Object {
    try {
        if(-not $ReportMode) {
            Remove-Item $_ -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Verbose "Deleting file $($_.FullName) was successful"
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Deleting file $($_.FullName) failed with error $($_.Exception.Message)"


Write-Verbose "Processed $($Files.Count). Sucessfully deleted: $($SuccessItems). Failed items: $($FailedItems)."

if($EnableLogging) {